Sunday, June 20, 2010


They say that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Well, big lesson #1. When traveling, pack very light, and don’t buy up entire bookstores. They will stay in business without you. My last class was today, and I left my safe little Hotel Fabris for distant shores, or rather Assisi, which is a bus ride and two trains away. Train stations in Italy do not have elevators, or, if they do they are invisible. Since I have finished my journey, I have my entire set of luggage with me, all 2,000 pounds of it. From the hotel, a ¼ mile jaunt to the bus. From the bus stop to the train station, down a flight of stairs, up a flight of stairs and into the train, where I lift said 2,000 pounds onto a luggage rack. I will be stacked when I get onto the plane for home. But I am heading for Assisi, where I will have a full day of prayer and meditation, with focus on gratitude for this amazing trip. I left behind my friends from the hotel who take care of me, fed me amazing food, and were very patient as I asked to take an afternoon instead of a walk and humored me while correcting my pronunciation. Thank you Thomas and Olsie, among others. So here I sit, in a beautiful air conditioned train, an hour respite before I begin a second set of bicep curls, tricep extensions and squats.


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